Nick Matzorkis and Ziggy cartoon creator Tom Wilson launched Ziggy & Friends Productions in 1990. They produced Ziggy entertainment projects encompassing print, animation, television and character licensing. Nick Matzorkis and Tom Wilson were Executive Producers with Academy Award winners Jon Voight and Louis Gossett Jr. and others to develop entertainment projects intended to draw attention to global warming, more commonly referred to at the time as the "greenhouse effect."

Mr. Matzorkis and Mr. Wilson credit the individuals below from the Hollywood entertainment community who acknowledged the threat of global warming early on, participated in Ziggy Save the Earth projects and contributed in many ways to ensure others would recognize the mounting problem. This was 16 years before Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" won the Academy Award, bringing global warming to the forefront of international consciousness.


Jon Voight Mentions Daughter Angelina Jolie
Nick Matzorkis' Hollywood HIlls Home

Produced by Nick Matzorkis
Mick Fleetwood, Steven Van Zandt and Ringo Starr

Planet Live Board of Directors

Valerie Bertinelli

Jheryl Busby, CEO, Motown Records

Lloyd Bridges

David Crosby

Clive Davis, President, Arista Records

Louis Gossett, Jr.

Herbie Hancock

Charlton Heston

Alan Horn, President, Castle Rock

Joe Kiener, President, Chrysalis Records

Jim Ladd

Nick Matzorkis, Executive Producer

Hale Milgrim, President, Capitol Records

Olivia Newton-John

Sinead O'Connor

Laurence Rockefeller

Nicholas Rockefeller

Meryl Streep

Edward Van Halen

Jon Voight

Dionne Warwick

Tom Wilson, Cartoonist, Ziggy Creator

Stevie Wonder

Planet Live Board of Directors:
Charlton Heston
Varlerie Bertinelli
Dionne Warwick
Eddie Van Halen
Sinead O'Conner
Jon Voight
Stevie Wonder
Lloyd Bridges
Louis Gossett Jr.
Meryl Streep
Olivia Newton John
Herbie Hancock
David Crosby


We believe it is the inherent responsibility of humankind to preserve the environment that bore us. Just as individuals instinctively love and cherish the mother that gave them life, we as a people must love and cherish Mother Earth, whose body has not only given us life, but also the fruits that sustain our existence.

The violations and misuse of our home, Planet Earth, seem endless and incomprehensible. When informed on environmental issues, most people are concerned enough to want to do something about it, but due to the seemingly overwhelming nature of the problem, find they simply don't know where to start and are not aware of how their individual contributions can make a difference in the big picture.

We believe if people are made more aware of the big picture, the more apt they will be to help. There are many organizations, individuals and entertainers who have made great contributions and realized significant accomplishments in isolated problem areas of the environment. It is our goal to bring these organizations, individuals and causes together into one massive event giving exposure to environmental organizations who need it, credit to individuals who deserve it, education to the uniformed, and to serve as a motivation for the masses. Using pop culture as the voice and the mass media as the means, the time has come to trumpet an international call to action.

On Earth Day, April 22, 1992, in the internationally televised "Planet Live" event from the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, California we are asking the cooperation of environmental organizations, celebrities, musicians, television, radio, magazines and newspapers to make a worthwhile commitment to bettering the quality of our environment.

We realize this one day alone isn't going to solve all environmental problems, but we do strongly believe this one day can set the tone for declaring the 1990s the decade of the environment. This, the final decade of the 20th century, should go down in history as a shining chapter in human existence when global cooperation transcended political, social and economic boundaries for the greater good inherent in our very nature....self-preservation.

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