Nick Matzorkis and Ziggy cartoon creator Tom Wilson launched Ziggy & Friends Productions in 1990. They produced Ziggy entertainment projects encompassing print, animation, television and character licensing. Nick Matzorkis and Tom Wilson were Executive Producers with Academy Award winners Jon Voight and Louis Gossett Jr. and others to develop entertainment projects intended to draw attention to global warming, more commonly referred to at the time as the "greenhouse effect." Mr. Matzorkis and Mr. Wilson credit the individuals below from the Hollywood entertainment community who acknowledged the threat of global warming early on, participated in Ziggy Save the Earth projects and contributed in many ways to ensure others would recognize the mounting problem. This was 16 years before Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" won the Academy Award, bringing global warming to the forefront of international consciousness. |
Planet Live Board of Directors: |
Charlton Heston |
Varlerie Bertinelli |
Dionne Warwick |
Eddie Van Halen |
Sinead O'Conner |
Jon Voight |
Stevie Wonder |
Lloyd Bridges |
Louis Gossett Jr. |
Meryl Streep |
Olivia Newton John |
Tom |
Herbie Hancock |
A STATEMENT FROM THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS On Earth Day, April 22, 1992, in the internationally televised "Planet Live" event from the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, California we are asking the cooperation of environmental organizations, celebrities, musicians, television, radio, magazines and newspapers to make a worthwhile commitment to bettering the quality of our environment. |
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